FORVIA HELLA’s Business Case for Brake-by-Wire | Featuring: David Schliwa, Head of Program Management BPS at FORVIA HELLA

FORVIA HELLA’s Business Case for Brake-by-Wire | Featuring: David Schliwa, Head of Program Management BPS at FORVIA HELLA

FORVIA HELLA’s Business Case for Brake-by-Wire: 2024/25 Developments, the Shift from Hydraulic to Wire Braking, Vehicle and Customer Benefits, and Safety Advancements

In this exclusive interview with Automotive IQ, David Schliwa, Head of Program Management BPS at FORVIA HELLA, shares his insights on the latest advancements in brake-by-wire technology. Covering key developments from the past year, the transition from hydraulic to wire braking, and the significant benefits for both vehicles and customers, Schliwa provides insights of FORVIA HELLA’s journey to the successful delivery of brake-by-wire.

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