Tackling Brake Dust Emissions Presentation by Ishmaeel Ghouri, University of Leeds

Tackling Brake Dust Emissions Presentation by Ishmaeel Ghouri, University of Leeds

Tackling Brake Dust Emissions Presented by Ishmaeel Ghouri, University of Leeds

This presentation addresses the significant issue of brake dust emissions and explores solutions to mitigate this environmental hazard.

Key points include:

  • Background/Motivation: Understanding the harmful particles released by friction brakes and their health impacts.
  • Euro 7 Regulations: Upcoming rules capping emissions from non-exhaust sources, including brakes.
  • Solutions: Greener friction materials, wear-reducing measures, filtration systems, and novel brake designs.
  • Challenges: Complexity, cost, and feasibility of implementing these solutions.
  • Future Outlook: With Euro 7 regulations set to enforce stricter limits by 2025 and further reductions by 2035, innovative brake designs and advanced technologies will be essential.

Download the Full Presentation: Gain detailed insights and practical solutions by downloading the comprehensive presentation. 

We're continuing the topic of Euro 7 at the Automotive Braking Systems Europe 2024 conference.

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