Automotive IQ invites you to attend the longest running Braking Systems Conference in Europe, designed with the expertise of leading experts and intense market research.
Hear the latest updates on the areas of: Electro-Mechanical Brakes, Braking Systems for L3 vehicles and beyond, Fail-Operational Modes, Functional Safety, Regenerative Braking, Low Emission Brakes and Integrated Vehicle Motion Control
Download the latest agenda to learn what to expect in 2019!
Download the latest Conference Agenda!
What is the appropriate brake system architecture for fully automated driving?
It feels so close to happening, but while autonomous and self-driving cars may appeal to our imagination, the challenges facing the technology before it becomes a widespread reality are complex and varied. And in meeting these challenges the car and many of the systems, such as those controlling ...
Thyssenkrupp Presta AG have strong competencies in steering and suspension and have started to build up competencies in vehicle motion control (VMC).Read an exclusive expert interview with Barna Szimandl from thyssenkrupp Presta AG where he talks about the holistic development of steer ...
Regenerative braking is a vital concept towards e-mobility and fuel efficiency. Download this report for free here:
Nicolas Godlewski, Technical Specialist Actuation and Regenerative Braking, from Jaguar Land Rover shares his presentation on "Regenerative Braking Systems".Download it for free here:
We have recently seen the evolution of many advanced assisted driving technologies as the automotive industry moves ever closer to fully autonomous driving. Automated emergency braking is one of many examples of how electronic controls have made driving safer, but such systems are clearly ...
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Leiter, Director, ABS/ESP/EPB at Mando Corporation Europe, offers his presentati ...
Prof. Dr.h.c. Jürgen Stockmar at Institute for Powertrains and Automotive Technology, made an exclusive presentation on the topic of “Optimized Vehicle Architecture with brake-by-wire”. Download the presentation for free here.
Vehicles with regenerative braking are required to be fitted with foundation brakes. Such brakes typically utilize grey cast iron rotors, which are heavy and, hence, increase energy consumption as well as emission of green house gases. Is there any solution? ...
Thomas Scheid and Dr. Daniel Fischer from Continental presents an overview of intelligent tire technology.The Presentation focuses on the following areas:- Generation of relevant Information in the vehicle - Data Transfer - Data miningDownload the pr ...
In an automotive world brimming with tech developments, the benefits of drive-by-wire for end consumers are out in the open.Drive-by-wire and brake-by-wire are seen as the future of vehicle control. Market predictions talk of healthy growth rate in the next 7 years, but cost, risk of failu ...
As we move ever closer to autonomous vehicles, the issues of safety around braking systems continue to come under the spotlight. From a technical standpoint, self-driving vehicles must have a safety protocol for instances of failure whereby an automatic brake system can achieve an appropriate lev ...
Download this presentation prepared by Michael Lingg and Frank Stebner, Automotive Brake Experts at Volkswagen, to learn more about:Residual TorqueAdapted Caliper ConceptsRecuperative BreakingDifferent Driver ProfilesAda ...
Did you follow the latest wave of brake recalls? Then download our report on brake recalls.Brakes are one of the most important safety features in cars and one of the key elements in driver assistance systems and autonomous driving in the future. Safety and reliability are the mai ...
Automotive IQ Article on Regenerative BrakingWhile developments in brake technology in the past have been slow and gradual, the sector is experiencing something of a revolutionary change due to the trends of electrification and autonomous driving. Both of these trends provide a ...