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A novel approach to PKI Root Management
Benedikt Brecht,Principal Investigator at Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP), gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security event, on the topic "V2X Security Credential Management System Proofof-Concept (SCMS PoC)".
OEMS and Suppliers: The value and strategies for collaboration on security
Henrik Broberg, Senior Designer at Volvo Car Group, Sweden, gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security event, on the topic "The value and strategies for collaboration on security". Find out more and download this presentation for free here.
How to secure a vehicle that is “talking” to everything?
Dr.-Ing. Dr. Jürgen Großmann, Project Manager, Competence Center System Quality Center, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany, gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security event, on the topic: "The connected vehicle and the IoT - How to secure a vehicle, that is 'talking' to everything?".
Keeping your car safe from hackers
Arthur Hicken,Chief Evangelist at Parasoft Deutschland GmbH, Germany gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security event, on the topic: "Keeping your car safe from hackers: Organizational changes for enhanced security". Find out more and download this presentation for free here.
Trusted Apps for open Software Platforms
Prof. Dr. habil. Christian Prehofer at An-Institut der Technischen Universitaet Muenchen, Fortiss GmbH, gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security event. In this presentation he discussed the challenges for connected cars with open platforms for apps. Find out more and download thi ...
Automotive Cyber Security: The challenge of innovation
Siraj Shaikh, Reader for Cyber Security, Center for Mobility and Transport, Coventry University, UK gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security Conference, on the topic of: "Automotive Cyber Security: The challenge of innovation". Download this presentation for free here.
Legal concerns for all stakeholders to consider
Marc Stanley, Founder at Stanley Law Practice, USA gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security event, on the topic: "Legal concerns for all stakeholders to consider". Download this presentation for free here.
Cyber Security — A global perspective
Ralph Thiele, Chairman at Political-Military Society, USA, gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security conference, on the topic:"Cyber Security — A global perspective".
Securing the CAV ecosystem: A UK Government Perspective
Palmer Sevvy, Head of Data & Analysis Branch at Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, gave a presentation at last years' Automotive Cyber Security conference, on the topic:"Securing the CAV ecosystem: A UK Government Perspective". Download this presentation for free here.
Complete Automotive Cyber Security eBook
The two interconnected and overlapping disciplines, functional safety and cyber security, are of fundamental importance to the developments of the modern automotive industry. The purpose of this report is to initiate discussion and provide food for thought to functional safety, c ...
VALEO Presentation on Security Challenges and Best Practices in Future Vehicles
Expand your knowledge within this area, with this exclusive free presentation by Christophe Jouvray, Cybersecurity and Privacy Expert at VALEO in France on the topic of: "Security Challenges and Best Practices in Future Vehicles".The presentation included the following:Sec ...
Presentation on connected embedded systems and their safety and security risks
To date the most publicized hack has been the 2015 attack on a Jeep by researchers Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, who, after connecting to the Jeep’s head unit, were able to find a way to hack the multimedia computer, which runs on a Linux operating system. Expand your knowled ...
Report on Blockchain Solutions for Automotive Cybersecurity
One area which is gaining great traction in cybersecurity is blockchain, and we expect to hear much more about the technology in the coming years. Eventually, the aim is to make autonomous cars ‘hack-proof’ and blockchain security may provide the answers.Many people associate blockchain wi ...
ENISA Presentation on Enhancing Automotive Cybersecurity in Europe
Expand your knowledge on this topic with this exclusive presentation by Rossella Mattioli, Security and Resilience of Communication Networks Officer at ENISA - European Union Agency for Network and Information Security in Greece on the topic of: "Securing smart cars today, for safer autonomous ca ...
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Report on Balancing Infotainment with Security in the Automotive Industry
Confronted by customers’ demands for a better user experience, manufacturers will continue to expand connected infotainment options and services, often via the IoT; however this needs to be balanced against the increased risk of cyber-attack.Taking up the challenge, suppliers have developed several strategies to reduce the risk while maintaining the OEMs flexibility in...