Media Partners | Automotive Cyber Security Europe

Media Partners


The Automotive Security Research Group (ASRG) is a dedicated non-profit initiative created to help promote the development of security solutions for automotive products. The forward-thinking organization has not been established to develop or produce services but instead to support and assist those who are. The initiative focuses on three core... Read More


The AUTOSAR partnership is an alliance of OEM manufacturers, Tier 1 automotive suppliers, semiconductor manufactures, software suppliers, tool suppliers and others. Considering the different automotive E/E architectures in the current and future markets, the partnership established a de-facto open industry standard for an automotive software architecture. It will serve as... Read More

AVC Consortium

AVCC® is a global consortium working to become a key market enabler for intelligent-vehicle software-defined technology.A Platform for Members to CollaborateThe Autonomous Vehicle Computing Consortium (AVCC®) is a group of automotive and technology industry leaders, OEMs, and automotive industry suppliers and players coming together to help accelerate the mass production... Read More


The Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA), formerly known as GENIVI Alliance, is a global, member-driven alliance focused on the development of open standards and technologies that accelerate innovation for connected vehicle systems, resulting in a more diverse, sustainable and integrated mobility ecosystem. The Alliance provides its members with a global... Read More

Car Connectivity Consortium

Bringing Leaders Together To Establish Innovative ConnectivityThe Car Connectivity Consortium brings automotive and consumer technology industries together to future-proof vehicle access using smart devices. Every significant manufacturer in every corner of the world — from Shanghai, China to Munich, Germany to New York City, USA — is a vital part... Read More

Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA)

CVTA is an international, non-profit business league formed to advance the interests of industries and organizations involved in vehicle communications. Membership is open to companies, universities, standards bodies, and public agencies globally. Vision - A world where safe, efficient, effective travel is enabled through real time traveler connectivity. Mission -... Read More