How to Achieve Electric Vehicle (EV) Homologation Success

How to Achieve Electric Vehicle (EV) Homologation Success

The market for electric vehicles (EVs) is growing as consumer demand for more sustainable transport drives next gen-mobility forward. As the EV market evolves, a host of new challenges arise in testing and certifying the conformity of these technical standards.

In this panel discussion, automotive experts from DEKRA, CharIN and Keysight Technologies discuss how to meet the new challenges for the automotive and homologation process, as well as solutions for meeting market demands and evolving electric vehicle supply equipment and EV standards.

Enter your email to access the following insights:

  • The most important EV standards for carmakers and their state of readiness to meet these standards.
  • How to maintain regulatory standards for technology when developing EVs.
  • Next steps for preventing EVs from being stranded in front of charging stations.


Markus Haller, Editor at WEKA FACHMEDIEN


Beat Kreuter, Vice President Business Line Product Safety Testing at DEKRA

Claas Bracklo, Chairman of the Board of the Changing Interface Initiative (CharIN)

Dr Christian Miesner, Automotive Disrict Manager EMEA at Keysight Technologies

Marvin Kroeger, Business Development Manager at Keysight Technologies

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