Achieving Balance Between Performance, Cost, Efficiency, & Sustainability in E-Motors for OEMs: Report ft. Case Studies from Jill Miscandlon on Circular Economies

Achieving Balance Between Performance, Cost, Efficiency, & Sustainability in E-Motors for OEMs: Report ft. Case Studies from Jill Miscandlon on Circular Economies

As the automotive industry transitions towards electrification, OEMs are tasked with designing and producing electric motors that meet the demanding requirements of consumers, regulators, and the market. Achieving an optimal balance between performance, cost, efficiency, and sustainability is crucial to the success of e-motors in the global automotive landscape. This report will examine ways that this can be achieved and what factors need to be considered.


• Technological Strategies for Achieving Balance 

• Innovative Motor Designs to Improve Efficiency and Cut Costs 

• Achieving a Circular Economy: Making Recycling a Priority, Not an Afterthought 

• Case Study: Enhancing the Circular Economy through Innovative Redesign of Airbus Components by the University of Strathclyde 

Jill Miscandlon: What Other Projects Has the University of Strathclyde Worked On?