Dr. Gorazd Gotovac

CTO Elaphe Propulsion Technologies

Dr. Gorazd Gotovac, CTO of Elaphe Propulsion Technologies, is a physicist who holds a PhD in electrical engineering and is winner of several awards in business plan competitions. Within his role as the CTO, Dr. Gotovac heads the shaping and implementation of Elaphe’s development roadmap. As a part of the management team, he is also active in all business development activities and strategic decisions. Market knowledge, a general physics background and a specialization in the field of electromagnetics and heat transfer allow him to perform informed decision-making based on a holistic approach to electric propulsion, while continually being involved in a variety of R&D activities to provide fresh insight in the development status and challenges that arise. He is also a member of the first generation of Y-TILI (Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative), a European delegation of entrepreneurs selected by the US Department of State, and the 2018 recipient of the Rising Star in Automotive award in the field of electrification. 

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