Implementation of ISO - Understanding the Standards and Safety Cases: Interview with Rami Debouk at General Motors

Implementation of ISO - Understanding the Standards and Safety Cases: Interview with Rami Debouk at General Motors

We know that the industry is on a tight deadline to meet the new standards, but how can we understand them further, as well as the safety cases?

Automotive IQ speaks with conference speaker Rami Debouk at General Motors. Rami Debouk joined General Motors Global Research and Development Center in Warren, Michigan, USA in 2000 after receiving his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is currently a GM Technical Fellow with research interests in system safety methods and techniques, system of systems, failure diagnosis, and fault tolerant systems.

Download your copy of this exclusive interview to understand the standards landscape & current safety requirements the industry are facing and how, in particular, General Motors are applying them to production.