CERTUS: An Automated AD/ADAS V&V Toolchain Video Presentation
This video presentation by Alejandro Trueba and Michael Orgill of HORIBA MIRA, introduces CERTUS, a toolchain designed for the verification and validation (V&V) of automated driving (AD) and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). The toolchain aims to deliver efficient V&V through intelligent scenario generation, analysis, and reporting.
Key Points Covered:
Introduction to V&V Workflow:
- Phases of V&V: Strategy, Scenario Definition, Test Planning, Test Execution, and Test Analysis.
- Importance of defining, sampling, testing, assessing, analysing, and arguing scenarios.
Logical Scenario Example:
- Differentiation between functional, logical, and concrete scenarios.
- Example scenario: Car-to-Pedestrian Farside Adult 50%.
Orders of Magnitude:
- Scope and coverage comparisons for different testing approaches (NCAP, Best Effort, Full Factorial).
Project Objective:
- Efficient V&V through targeted scenario generation.
- Addressing key questions: What to test, how to test, and when to stop.
CERTUS Features:
- Analysis of Operational Design Domain (ODD) and deployment areas.
- Use of metrics and oracles for performance risk quantification.
- Search space optimization and scenario space sampling.
Battleship Analogy:
- Illustration of problem space, stop criteria, feedback process, and decision-making in V&V.
Detailed Process:
- Defining ODD, initial sampling, test generation, execution, and assessment.
- Use of mixed reality tests and statistical methods for risk quantification.
Standards and Risk Quantification:
- Reference to ISO 21448 SOTIF.
- Importance of defining, modelling, and strategizing for residual risk assessment.
Core Innovations:
- Intelligent scenario selection based on parameter sensitivity.
- Mixed reality test environment.
- Use of applied statistics for safety case justification.