

Developments & Challenges for EPS

Mats Höwing | 12/12/2013

Mats H÷wing is a systems safety engineer with Volvo Car Corporation in Sweden. Automotive IQ editor Will Hornick spoke with him in Frankfurt, Germany at the 7th Annual Steering Systems Conference.

What in your view has changed with regard to EPS over the course of the past year? Any developments of particular interest during the last 12 months or so?

Yes, there’s the impact of the systems safety standard of course and I realize that one very sensitive topic when it comes to loss of assist is more discussed now; and I have noticed that people have changed their minds about what the status of the ASIL interpretation is and what the status should be; and of course we’re talking a lot more about steer-by-wire and autonomous drive which is a trend also.

Fully autonomous drive?


Fully controlled? In your view what is the single biggest challenge that you guys in particular are facing during the coming few years?

It’s the continuous development of the EPS system together with active safety systems, those are the big challenges, as well as applying the ISO safety standard.

So still learning…

Yes, a lot of technology steps have to be taken.

Can you explain why certain European car manufacturers seem to be utilising one type of EPS more often, while the North American ones focus a little bit more on the other?

I’m not so very up-to-date on that issue to be honest, but I think that the Rack EPS can provide more force and are therefore more suitable for the large cars, so that’s my point of view; the US has more large cars than Europe and that would be the answer.

Practical reasoning. Are there any particular points that you will take away from this conference?

Definitely, there are a lot. Good networking and I’ve been able to chat with a lot of people and it’s good to verify the direction you’re going, especially in the area that I’m working in with regard to system safety and the questions I mentioned earlier regarding the loss of assist. A very important topic is the standard and the legal implications really worthwhile discussing right now.

Thank you very much for the interview

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