Interview with José Solaz: Automotive Seating at Autonomy Level 3+
How the vehicle seats will differ at this stage of autonomy
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As we progress into autonomous vehicles at level 3+, questions begin to arise on how the seating for vehicles will begin to change. At autonomy level 3, the driver is still very much in control and has a job to do, but there are opportunities for the vehicle to take over the driving, so the seat still needs to be familiar and practical, with safety at the top of the priority list.
How can seats progress once we get to level 5? The driver will no longer be a driver per say, so the opportunities for seating with a range of functions and new comfort levels can be adopted.
Download your copy of this exclusive Automotive IQ interview with Dr. José Solaz, Scientific Director | Head of Innovation, Automobile & Mobility, Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV), to learn an academic's perspective of where we're heading with automotive seating and how researchers and automakers are getting around the challenges of creating ultra-comfortable seats that are safe and not heavyweight.
Dr. José Solaz will be presenting at Automotive Seating Innovation 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany, January24 - 26, 2023. Register now.