Webinar: Detecting Concurrency Issues in Automotive Software
How to Automatically Fuzz your Code with 3 Commands
Learn how the CI Fuzz CLI tool can be used to fuzz CAN interfaces and automatically detect concurrency issues in automotive software.
CI Fuzz CLI is an open-source tool that allows users to run feedback-based fuzz tests directly from their command line. Every developer can use it to find bugs and vulnerabilities with 3 simple commands.
In the world of automotive security, concurrency issues contribute towards lost updates, inconsistent retrievals and uncommitted data. These errors prove to be particularly dangerous and costly, resulting in multiple recalls.
In this webinar, automotive security expert Daniel Teuchert will show how the CI Fuzz CLI tool can be used to fuzz CAN interfaces and detect concurrency issues automatically.
Initially, he will define and cover the current state of fuzz testing, before delving into the benefits of this tool through a live coding session, showing how efficiently fuzzing can be used to uncover these issues, in addition to finding multiple bugs like severe memory corruption vulnerabilities.
All code examples and tools used are open-source.
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