Automotive IQ introduces new website features

Upgraded site brings increased scope for personalization and interactivity

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Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips

From Ford to Ferrari, Lada to Lamborghini, every new car needs a facelift from time to time.

And following the car industry’s lead, Automotive IQ has also had a refresh – and the IT team’s upgraded user experience features are now here to make your site experience even better.

In addition to improved content, including infographics, our location spotlight features, and our monthly columns, we’re adding new interactivity features to make Automotive IQ more useful and more sociable, too. Here’s a breakdown of the revisions to the site, so you can make the most of the new functionality:

My Feed

My Feed is the first page you will see once you log in, and this gives you access to a host of Automotive IQ features. On the left are your message notifications, in the center is your activity feed, including a post function which lets you share content, images and links, and on the right is your list of connections.

Revised search function

You can now search for a particular story, a person, or both using the streamlined search function. The results page includes a new, simplified look for search results, and allows you to message an existing connection directly or make new connections with other members.

My Network

This new My Network feature allows you to build and manage your network of connections. Pending connection requests and a list of recommended connections based on your job title and/or the company you work at are all shown in this feed.


Automotive IQ now allows you to view and manage all of your existing member conversations in one place. You can do this by clicking the Messages button on your My Feed page. When you’re logged in, the messaging widget is always available in the lower right corner of every page.

My Profile

My Profile is your member profile page. It allows you to edit your profile information directly, including adding links to your social media, your contact info and a picture. Other members will be able to visit your profile pages from links you post in your feed, recommended connections links, and comments on posts.

Enjoy using the new, updated Automotive IQ!