EV Charging Systems: USA Regulations and Infrastructure
Covering bi-directional charging and the infrastructures to prevent attacks.
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Get your copy of this government-led interview on EV Charging Infrastructures in the USA with Michele Mueller - Sr. Project Manager, Connected and Automated Vehicles, Michigan Department of Transportation.
We know that some EVs offer bi-directional charging, which when in use is either giving energy to the grid or taking energy from it. This leads to potential attack risks, which begs for standards and infrastructures to be put in place.
In this interview, Michele details the charging infrastructure currently in place in the US, as well as telling us what governing bodies are doing to protect the EV charging interface. Learn from Michele on the US standards for EV Charging Infrastructures.
“This regulation (NEVI) would enable States to implement federally funded charging station projects in a standardized fashion across a national EV charging network that can be utilized by all EVs regardless of vehicle brand.”
Last year we spoke to MEP Ismail Ertug about charging infrastructures in Europe and the rollout of The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation. Get your Ismail Ertug Interview copy to gain insight into the European regulations on charging infrastructures and see how it differs to the USA.
Michele is presenting Harmonisation of Standards for Energy Management & Charging Systems at the 13th Automotive Cybersecurity Detroit 2023, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 21 - 23, 2023.