Automotive IQ’s Top Five of the Year

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Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips

December is well underway, so we’ve taken this opportunity to look back at the top stories from 2019.

With thoughts turning to happy holiday times with friends, family and more, we thought we’d also take this chance to thank you, our 65,000 members and more, for contributing to the growth and success of Automotive IQ over the past 12 months.

From articles to industry reports; infographics to webinars, the site has grown significantly this year. Here’s some of the top content we’ve posted, and we look forward to delivering even more in 2020:

Your Top Infographic: Who owns Whom?

Sometimes it can be tricky to recall the relationships between the world’s biggest carmakers. Exactly how many core brands does the VW Group own? And how about FCA? And do any of the major automakers have shareholdings in one another?

In order to answer these questions and more, we created an infographic that shows the world’s top makers plus key shareholdings that further knit the industry together. If you missed it first time around, click here to download your copy.

Your Top Report: eMobility Trends 2019

eMobility is the future of the automotive industry. But what are the key issues that OEMs and Tier suppliers wrestling with as they battle the realities of delivering on a whole host of battery-powered promises?

Our 2019 eMobility survey asked for your opinion, and our industry report brought this data together with analysis from some specially selected experts to shed light on the real state of eMobility right now. Refresh your memory of the report here.

Your Top Column: Artificial intelligence (AI) is coming to revolutionize the auto industry

In this exclusive column, we explored the increasing impact of artificial intelligence as it is adopted right across the car industry, beginning with the assertion that self-driving cars are often touted as proof of the automotive industry’s advanced state of AI preparedness.

However, as we discovered, the real state of affairs is - as ever - a little more complicated than that. Yet, while the automotive industry may appear to be cautious in implementing AI-powered technologies, the transformation is ramping up.

As companies come to the realization that AI is far more than just a ‘plug-in' module and begin to see it as a core technology that they have to adopt, we can expect to see the industry embracing AI across not just the product, but also at the service, and the organization levels. Take a read of the column here.

Your Top Article: Automotive Seating Innovation: What’s Next?

The arrival of the partial, then fully, autonomous vehicle is encouraging designers and engineers to evolve automotive seating in new and unexpected ways.

In this article, we took a look at how OEMs and Tier suppliers are seeking to deliver seating with superior comfort and ergonomics, made from lighter and more sustainable materials, and incorporate smart seating technology, too.

At a time when automotive seating is changing dramatically, this look at how seat designs will evolve even further and head in previously unimaginable directions gives a glimpse at a bright future indeed.

Your Top Automotive IQ Guide: Electric Vehicle Platforms

A new content type for the site this year, our Automotive IQ Guides series has tackled a number of topics, from ISO 26262 to Real Driving Emissions; eMotors to EV Platforms. And it’s the latter that was your most-viewed of 2019.

We asked what the latest developments in electric vehicle platforms are right now, and what does the future of mass-market cars look like once the majority are powered by electricity?

These questions are just a couple of items addressed as we looked at the past, present and future of electric vehicle platforms. Read it again here.