Automating Requirements-Based Testing for ISO 26262
How to significantly reduce the cost of ISO 26262 requirements-based testing through automatic test case generation and requirements traceability.
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The ISO 26262 safety standard, titled Road vehicles - Functional Safety, is a risk-based safety
standard that defines functional safety for automotive electronic and electrical safety-related
systems for road vehicles.
Requirements-based testing is a key element of the varication activities required for compliance with the ISO 26262 standard. Automating requirements-based testing and traceability is therefore a crucial way in which both time and costs can be reduced. But how can this be done?
In this whitepaper you will learn:
- How automatic test case generation can dramatically cut costs of test production.
- How test cases can be automatically linked to requirements for ISO 26262 traceability.
- How to automate management of test changes from changes to requirements and code.