Connected Cars
Survey: How do you secure global vehicle connectivity?
July 03 by Damien StephensThe more a vehicle interacts with its surroundings, the more it becomes vulnerable to potential cyberattacks. Answer our survey to help identify those threats
Column: CASE vehicles and the bumps in the road
January 15 by Tom PhillipsAre connected cars safe? Will autonomy ever happen? And shared vehicles? They’re a much tougher sell than previously thought. So what next?
Automotive IQ's Connected Car Survey is live!
November 14 by Tom PhillipsDo you work with connected cars? Have you got a spare five minutes? If so, we'd be grateful if you could fill out our Connected Cars 2020 survey. The data we gather will be used to write our Connected...
5G and C-2VX: the Answer to the Connected Car Future
April 08 by Cristian TangemannExploring the benefits that 5G technology will bring to vehicle to everything communications, and looking at some of the challenges the automotive industry must overcome in order to make C-V2X a succe...
Data Security in Connected Vehicles
February 14 by Automotive IQConnectivity has worked its way very quickly into automotive language, and the potential benefits of connected vehicles are widespread. The notion of autonomous cars driving us around while communicat...
Mobility and the GDPR: An important but uneasy partnership
October 26 by Peter ElsIn November 2015, Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club (ADAC), the German motoring organisation, discovered that large amounts of data was being captured by the on-board diagnostics (OBD) system of a...
Securing Connected Cars Through Comprehensive Software Testing
June 06 by Automotive IQSecuring Connected Cars Through Comprehensive Software TestingSoftware is not new to the automotive industry. Cars have had low-level software commands for more than forty years (for example, airbags)...
Connected Car Driving Change in Defect Detection
May 13 by Automotive IQConnected Car Driving Change in Defect DetectionAutomotive product design is rapidly evolving and the magnitude and pace of change facing engineering organizations is challenging incumbent processes a...
Top Content of April 2016
May 09 by Automotive IQWhich content caught the attention of 30.000 Automotive IQ members? Check out the top 5 content-pieces for April 2016![inlinead]
Top content of March 2016
April 06 by Automotive IQWhich content caught the attention of 30.000 Automotive IQ members? Check out the top 5 content-pieces for March 2016![inlinead]
Smart Approaches to Consolidating ECUs in Modern Connected Architecture
March 15 by Peter ElsOpen any industry publication and you’ll be met with images of the "connected car": A sleek, intelligent, digital appliance on wheels, where convenience, comfort, safety, and performance merge...