Cryptographic Key Management Systems: Today’s best practice, Tomorrow’s necessity
A case for bespoke KMS in manufacturing—trading operational & reputational risk for strategic opportunity
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Digitalization within manufacturing has rapidly multiplied the volume of data in the hands of organizations—organizations that never intended to be in the business of data management. Yet, here they are, faced with the urgent & critical security demands that come with connected systems, software updates & new regulations. Cryptography management within these large organizations often develops organically across affiliates & departments based on need, leaving gaps in its wake. The urgency of this increasingly common scenario is perhaps best typified by the automotive industry.
Through a yearslong partnership, we worked closely with a major automotive technology firm, mapping out its KMS needs & customizing a solution to match its complexity. This paper compiles information gathered along the way. Across industry production lines, a pattern of need emerged—common barriers to entry, priorities & technical specifications. So clear were these patterns that we designed a cloud KMSaaS solution fit for the key lifecycle management demands of most manufacturers.
We hope that by presenting our observations & market commentary, we can start a broader conversation around the strategic benefits of KMS adoption, the persistent lack of KMS integration today & the ballooning operational & reputational risks allowed when organizations delay deployment.